PopFad Review: Long Way Home

By McKinley Franklin, April 18, 2022; Source: PopFad

In life, we come across pieces of music that drastically moves us. The impact of a work of music can be astronomical, and at times some music strikes a nerve with us more than others. There is something so deep, so unique and breathtaking about The Oxford Drive Band’s track ‘The Long Way Home,’ that has moved us to tears.

Headed by singer/songwriter Marian Godwin, The Oxford Drive Band consists of an umbrella of shifting musicians. Marian leads the band and finds inspiration in her music from her life experiences. Shifting back and forth between New York City and California throughout her life, she now resides in Cape Cod. Using music throughout her life as a sanctuary, creating her own pieces of work is something that Marian connects with on a deeper level and finds solace in.

Quoting one of the great songwriters, Marian pronounced, “When words are not enough music speaks.” That’s exactly what the track, ‘The Long Way Home,’ embraces.

The Oxford Drive Band’s ‘The Long Way Home’ speaks to difficulties that are endured throughout lives course. With so much turbulence endured by the world in the past few years, The Oxford Drive Band set out to create a track that a large audience would connect with. The track reels in listeners as the first beat commences, enticing the audience with a beachy, 70s rock essence that is magnetizing.

‘The Long Way Home’ discusses the tough feelings of not feeling at home. No matter how much life we seem to live, no matter where adventure to and where life takes us, it can be hard to find ones ultimate “home.” Marian’s vocals on the track sound angelic, transforming us to a brand-new realm.

The track examines how to find “home,” how it’s been a long time coming, but it must be endured. Marian sings, “take the long way, take the long way home, to find out, where I belong…”

Managing the trials and tribulations that life throws at us, the track, too, sees light at the end of tunnel to find homebase. The stunning instrumental combined with Marian’s profound vocals transform the piece to new levels. Life continues to change and does not halt for no one. This can be excruciating at times, but it’s important to not lose hope amidst the chaos.

The classic, rock-inspired aura created on ‘The Long Way Home’ make us evaluate our life and its direction. The audience is able to easily connect with the touching message of not always feeling at home, feeling like we’re in search of something more to come. ‘The Long Way Home’ embodies this perfectly, moving each audience that listens in.


Sinusoidal Music Review: Long Way Home — Where the wheels take us